We are Nikki and Mark, and feel honoured to care for and/or help to rebalance other peoples' canine companions. Not only do we have a passion and love for teaching dogs to be dogs, but between us we have a wealth of experience and knowledge.
Mark has volunteered in dog rescues handling dogs, for many years, and Nikki has handled dogs from as young as she can remember. Both worked at a dog rehabilitation centre, Nikki as the centre manager and Mark as a dog handler, providing many dogs with exercise, training and healthcare on a daily basis; within a team, including handling unbalanced, aggressive and troublesome dogs in the process, and participating in teaching owner’s how to “talk the language” of dogs.
The word 'crew' means people who work closely together. Canine Crew is born from Nikki and Mark’s ability to work extremely well together, and throw dogs in the mix and you have an entire household dedicated to the welfare of your canine companion 24 hours a day. We have been building Canine Crew for a couple of years, and have seen a good few dogs come through our door and our hands, with very happy owners as a result.
We believe that dog owners need to become aware of HOW a dog's way of thinking works in their world. Far too often dogs are humanised, and this leads to an unbalanced dog which expresses itself in all those behaviours that cause problems, negative reactions, or just mild annoyance and frustration.
Our philosophy on dog training is very much around allowing a dog to be a dog, and for owners to deepen and build the canine bond BEFORE engaging in 'human' interaction with their dogs. Basically, knowing what you are doing to reward a behaviour that you don't even want (this frequently happens, even unconsciously), and working on when to reward those behaviours you do want. Although behaviours are often said to be the blame of reactive dogs, the MOST important aspect of creating a polite, confident and content dog is addressing their state of mind. And it is always the handler who is informing the dog’s state of mind.
We work towards conditioning a dog's mind to be always calm and focussed on the handler. AND to allow the dog's needs to be completely fulfilled, fitting in with YOUR lifestyle. This takes a lot of work on the part of the owner/handler of a dog, as they need to be able to express natural leadership in a calm manner, and many people do not understand what this entails.
Leadership should be as natural as an elephant telling her calves to settle down, as firm as a blackbird protecting her nest, and as gentle as lion grooming her cubs. Dogs are social creatures, and instinctively have an understanding of, and affinity for pack / family structures - this creates a hierarchy of leadership, and a good dog handler/owner can be the “teacher/manager/advocate/pack leader”, providing structure, leadership, and guidance, sharing affection and organising the “work” of the family unit.
Lifestyle training, or state of mind conditioning, looks at the bigger training picture in relating to creating a well behaved, polite, friendly, socialised, playful dog.
Training specific behaviours is a great activity to do with one's dog, to build your relationship, deepen your bond, and engage their mind and while mostly having fun, getting some fresh air, and exercising yourself.
However, lifestyle training, teaches a dog that no matter the experience, situation, or environment to take direction from their handler and remain calm and curious about their world.
Having a calm, balanced, engaged, fulfilled and content canine companion is a joy to see, meet, play and experience.
We treat your dogs as our own, whether we are grooming them, walking them, or training them - and we teach our dogs how to be calm as a core technique. Whether you are looking for a holiday, residential rehabilitation, walk and train, or a professional grooming service - then you can have the peace of mind that your dog will be cared for, stimulated, and kept safe and calm.
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